& Kousei


finishing my
first Kaori pic my buddy Danni
said I should draw something with Kaori happy and food, so I sketched
this idea up since I wanted to try drawing Kousei too.
I wanted to try coloring this two different ways and decided to go with
the more traditional cel-shaded look first, because it meant I could
get my dreaded nemesis known as "inking" out of the way early in the
game. XD The inks turned out alright though they
were a little tougher this time around because I wanted the lines as
thin as possible since the colored
sketch version
is...well...a colored sketch and I wanted to really show how different
the two styles look when put next to each other.
I cheated a bit with the colors since I grabbed the flats from a
screencap and tweaked them here and there. I put in some
glows on top of the lineart to give the whole piece a kind of outdoor
lighting look. ^_^
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