& Kousei
(Colored sketch)


second pass on this Kaori and Kousei pic, this time ditching the inking
and coloring the pencils. :3
I posted the pencil stage again here because it's slightly different
than the one used for the
cel-shaded version.
I cleaned it up a bit and tightened the lines ever so
slightly. I've also included the final sketch with the
colored pencil lines to show you the not-so-messy version I used to
color with. The trick was to see how much of the dirt and
stray lines I should keep and how much I should erase to get the look I
Yeah, I could use the same color techniques in an inked piece but it
seems to work better when I color a sketch like this. Maybe
I'm stupid and it's all in my head, I dunno. A bunch of fades
and blends just seem to work with messy lines. I had fun with
this but I did get lazy so the food and the background are recycled
from the cel-shaded piece with some extra stuff thrown in to match the
aesthetic. XD
It's not as good as my
first Kaori piece, but I still
dig it. ^_^
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