You Have Me!"


promised myself that I'd never draw sick Kaori but I REALLY wanted to
draw something from this scene (though honestly this got kickstarted
because I wanted to draw her bear slippers :3). This has been on
the backburner for about a month because it's got a lot of elements I
haven't really drawn before and I didn't want to screw it up by rushing
through it (I spent a couple days just on the background :O).
Since I inked every element in its own color I also seperated
them all in their own layer (I kept the color swatches I used when
bouncing back and fourth to touch up the inks to show you what I'm
talking about). In the colors I added an extra blur layer on top
of the inks to make Kaori glow a bit. :D
I guess in the end it's nothing really special, the techniques I used
aren't all that different than what I usually do, but it was still a
really nice,serene piece of art to work on. ^_^
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