

started as a time-killer and turned into a full-blown crusade.
I was asking a friend for suggestions for what to draw and Yoko here
came up. I've
tried drawing
Yoko before and failed miserably
and I was about to throw this idea out the window and draw someone else
instead. I've never been good at drawing anime stuff and even
when I try drawing a character in my style I wind up trying to channel
something animoo into the art. The result is me falling flat
on my artistic ass (as was the case with that first Yoko piece I tried).
But here I made a concious effort to go balls crazy and draw this new
Yoko my own way. I made sure her eyes weren't shaped like
most anime eyes, and even though bangs give me trouble I didn't look at
any art references when drawing her hair. Even the skull
hairclip I did from memory.
I wanted almost everything on Yoko here to be super shiny to make the
whole piece, and not just her boobs, "pop" out so I must've spent 5+
hours in Photoshop coloring this. I worked on this while
sitting through two awful horror movies but it was worth it!
The bad news is now I want to see what my other favorite animoo gals
would look like in my style...^_^;
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