Joins the X-Men


had a lot of requests to draw a superheroine version of Elsa and tried
a couple on my own but nothing really stuck to the wall so I never got
past the doodle stages. The other day I was watching some 90's
X-Men cartoons and thought "Yeah, that's the ticket" and started
sketching and this outfit appeared. At first I wasn't going to do
a serious pic because, yeah, it's pretty much 90's Rogue's outfit.
But then I thought "To hell with it, this is my art and I'll draw
what I damn well please." :3
Nothing much to say about the design other than that. The boots
were actually the noodle-scratcher and ended up going the cheap way out
and slapped some lines kinda/sorta symbolizing her shoes. I also
threw some of those weird tech straps around her shoulders like Kitty
Pryde used to wear so Elsa wouldn't look TOO much like a palate-swapped
Rogue. XD
I'm glad I decided to draw this because in the end it was a lot of fun.
Also a few of my cosplay friends are already talking about making
this costume so I guess I did something right... ^_^
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