

honestly don't know too much about X-23. I do know that she's
Wolverine's daughter/clone and she's got claws on her feet. And
her name is Laura. Or Linda...? Okay, so I might know less
than I thought I did. I do know that she looks pretty cool so I
decided to draw her over the weekend.
Drawing X-23 was a little tougher that this pic might let on. I'm
used to drawing much bustier females and had to correct myself more
than once when it came to her upper body. I tried channeling
Avril Lavigne in X-23 here to nail down that lithe teenager look so she
didn't end up looking like a short adult.
I also played around with her outfit, combining aspects of her many
other threads into a look I liked. I drew the first sketch
without the mask since I liked the contrast her baby blues made with
the rest of the color scheme, but I also dig her X-Factor mask with the
spooky red eyes. So I whipped up a quick bust piece to go along
with the full-figure art to make this sort of a collage.
As far as the colors go, the simpler animation cel shading was a happy
accident. I drew myself into a rock and a hard place with all of
the black involved here (her hair, her suit, the gloves, boots etc) and
was stressing over how to go about coloring this. When I was
blocking in the rough shading, the two-tone shadows ended up looking
really good, so I just cleaned that up to what you see here. ^_^
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