Her Invisible Jet


had the urge to draw Wonder Woman again the other day. Part of it
was due to the fact that I've been watching Super Friends lately.
The other reason being that I've never really been happy with the
way I draw Diana. ^_^;
This started out as a quick doodle and evolved to a much bigger piece.
I wanted to make the pose a little more interesting than a simple
pinup, so I adjusted the sketch a bit to include her Invisible Jet, and
then the whole idea began to revolve around it. I dumped the
original doodle and started a new, much bigger sketch. I drew the
lineart for the jet afterwards, so I could adjust the angle and
composition around Wondy's pose. As for the "coloring" an
Invisible Jet, I borrowed a lot from ideas I've seen elsewhere.
There are probably easier/better ways of going about it, but in
my case a lot of Photoshop blur tools went into shading the jet here.
As with the rest of my Wonder Woman pieces, I look back on this one and
shake my head a bit. But not as much as I would with past
attempts, so I guess that means I'm getting somewhere. ^_^
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