Optimus Prima


is a sketch I've had on the back burner for a while now, always
thinking that I'll get to it "next." After working on Galaxy Force/Cybertron Prima I
thought finally finish this Energon version. And not a moment
too soon since after I dug up the pencils I saw that the file was
almost two years old! :O
The pencil stage is actually a cell phone pic I took since I gave the
sketch to a friend and quickly took a snapshot because I realized that
I hadn't scanned it yet. Not that it woulda mattered since
the sketch needed a lot more work than I remembered, mostly because of
how old it was. I fixed her proportions and widened her
wingspan to better match the toy.
The Energon line gets a lot of hate but I like most of it, and the
Optimus Prime figure is still super fun (hence the fan art).
I personally like the "artillery" combined mode more on the
toy but I thought a flying pose would be neat for Prima, plus the
colors work better in this mode I think.
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