the Witchblade


pic happened pretty much because alliteration is awesome. :3
Almost everytime I would see a thread about Windblade I would think it
read "Witchblade" at first. So after a while I had the phrase "Windblade With the Witchblade" stuck in my head and
this happened. :D
It was just a quick doodle at first and then it rolled into a finished
piece. If I learned anything from this I learned that I should
probably doodle with non-photo blue pencils because this was hard as
hell to ink and get cleaned up to scan. I drew this with a
regular #2 pencil on normal typing paper so not only did I have to
erase some pretty heavy pencil lines after inking I also had to go over
most of the lines again since the inks got rubbed out pretty hard.
Essentially I had to ink this twice.
Windblade is pretty fun to draw and I dig her colors so this probably
won't be the last you see of her from me. I haven't been able to
run out to the comic store and pick up her book so I can't talk much
about that yet, but what I've seen of Sarah Stone's work so far I have
a pretty good idea that the art is VERY righteous. So much that I
tried my best not to crib off of her style when I was looking at
Windblade refs. ^_^'
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