

is another one of those "Silas has been meaning to draw for a while but
too damn lazy to do it until now" ideas. Wheeljack has always
been one of my favorites from I was a kid, and this is actually the
first time I've ever drawn the character in any incarnation.
Fancy that, huh? :3
The design of the outfit came pretty quickly, as did giving her a big
pair of glasses. I ended up paying more attention to that aspect
more than I thought I would originally, because I realized that she
could wind up looking a lot like The Baroness if I wasn't careful.
At first I was going to give her jet black hair, but dumped that
idea for more of a brunette. I also gave her square-framed specs
instead of round and made them a shade of pink to add to the kind of
goofy factor. The sketch and lineart happilly went off without a
hitch, and I saved her glasses until the coloring process because I
still wanted her eyes to come through and thought it'd be a better
effect if I actually drew the spectacles in as an afterthought.
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