Watermark THIS

image was whipped up as a gag piece for Deviantart, but the figure
turned out really well for a quick little artwork so I decided to post
it here.
A good number of my pieces on DA were popping up on T-shirts and the
like, so I began to use the Deviantart watermark on work I would post
there. Of course, DA people like to complain about...
well...everything and I started hearing a lot of bitching about how the
watermarks were "ruining" my art.
Really? REALLY?
So that's how this piece came to be. This was
actually trickier than I initially thought because I wanted to hide
just enough behind the DA watermark, yet still retain her pose and
figure. So I did a lot of adjusting and re-adjusting with the
transparency of the watermark layer. I wanted to post both
versions here because I'm really happy with how the original lineart
came out. Like I said, for something that was doodled and inked
on the back of a scrap piece of paper... the pose, expression and
colors turned out really well. ^_^
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