

be honest, I don't really like Wasp. I think she's kinda boring,
though the "Earth's Mightiest Heroes" cartoon version isn't bad.
My buddy Bradders suggested that I draw Jan here, and the funny
thing is that he doesn't really dig her either. When I asked him
about it he said "Yeah, I don't like her. But I think you can
change my mind."
I think he was just playing up to my ego to get me to draw her.
Hell, it worked. XD
I suck at drawing short hair so I gave it a little more length here so
I could play with a whispy look. The gold armor bits turned out
okay, but the black suit could use some work. More proof that I
still need practice with black areas. I think part of my problem
with Wasp is that her costumes seem dull to me. I had some ideas
to jazz this version up a bit, but that'll have to wait for a later
day. Preferably one where I don't have a con coming up. :3
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