

drawn a Tracks chick before, but that was a looong time ago.
I've been meaning to draw her again, and getting the new
Turbo Tracks figure and REALLY digging it got me back in the urge.
That and looking back on the older image I thought "damn, I
can do WAAAYYY better now. XD
The first pic drew a lot from Marilyn Monroe, obviously. In this
one I thought I'd punch that idea up a notch by keeping a headshot of
Marilyn next to me during the sketch. Most notably her hairstyle
carried over this time around. I also took a lot more design cues
from the new toy as opposed to the G1 version, namely on the legs and
the wheels. I also added more red to the headpieces to keep that
color up top since Tracks has a red face both on the toys and in the
cartoon. This piece ended up turning out a lot better than I
thought it would starting out, hence the title. ^_^

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