Red Sonja


A little while ago someone suggested that I give Red Sonja a go. Why I haven't drawn her before now is beyond me. :3
At first I was going to try an action shot, but since this was the
first time drawing the character I decided to go with a more static
picture. The sketch turned out pretty well, so I inked it up and
threw some color on it. It took me quite a while to start on the
latter two steps. For a gal wearing not-so-much, she's got a lot
going on. Armor, chainmail, belts, and a helluvalotta red hair.
I think I started coloring her bikini first and soonafter putting
in the flats I started to cry. XD
But I trucked on through and this ended up turning out a lot better
than I had expected. Especially her hair, which was kind of an
accident. When I arrived at that step I was sick and tired of
shading and decided to take the lazy way out and use the lineart
segments as a flat way of "shading" and it ended up giving the art an
interesting twist. So much so that I'm already planning some
future pieces featuring the "She-Devil with a Sword." ^_~
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