

I'm not saying that Galaxy Force/Cybertron is the best but I am saying
that Galaxy Force/Cybertron is my favorite. The line came out
when I had my first real jobby-job so I spent WAYYY more money than I should have and imported the
Takara toys before buying the Hasbro figures. I also went turbo nerd and tuned into Galaxy Force as they aired in
Japan which was a total blast as it was my first time watching an anime as it came out (THANKS TV-NIHON!).
So Galaxy Convoy obviously holds a special place in my heart and I've
been working on this Sonic Convoy version of Optimus Prima for a while
now. I was really inspired to finish her after GaoGaiPrime on
the TFW2005 boards started posting art of their Sonic Prima take!
I've posted some of that below.
Working on this was a lot of fun, mainly due to using her as an excuse
to break out and play with Cybertron Prime and Wing Saber, putting them
down long enough to use them as references for this piece.
Some of the angles and details are a bit wonky, but what else
is new with my art? Anyhoo I'm pretty happy with this!

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