for Me


when spoken out loud for the sake of performance are music. They have
rhythm and pitch and timbre and volume. These are the properties of
music and music has the ability to find us and move us and lift us up
in ways that literal meaning can't."
I love
music, and I love anybody who really knows how to speak in public.
I don't mean people who talk for the sake of talking, but
individuals who understand how words work. Musical or
otherwise. I don't remember what song I was listening to when
this idea popped into my head, but I'm glad it set me off on this piece.
The art may show its age, but I still love it. The
proportions are off, but I'm proud of the expression on her face, and
the way the lighting works. It's stuff like this that makes
me wish there was somewhere locally I could go to have a drink and sit
back listening to a jazz band or a talented lounge singer. I
tried to make this piece as simple as I could. No fancy dress
design or elaborate hairstyle. Just an image of a talented
lady singer her heart out.
I definitely need to revisit this one. ^_^
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