

watching the second trailer for the Jem movie I wanted to draw
something like this. As bleh as the first trailer was, "Showtime,
Synergy" popping up gave me a glimmer of hope. A glimmer that the
second trailer just dashed. :/
It's not the best and this is my first time
drawing Synergy but it was very theraputic after nerdraging over what
we've seen of this movie so far. XD I played with who to
make out of focus, Jem or Synergy and keeping Jem blurred in the
foreground ended up being the best. It was also a little tricky
keeping Jem's eyes out of the picture (I thought doing that would be
good for the "tone" I was going for), even with her huge hair.
Again, not the best but I think it was alright in the end.
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