Should See
The Horde


been wanting to draw She-Ra again for a while, and thought this time
I'd go against the norm. Instead of drawing her all stoic and
badass I went with completely jacked-up and badass. Adora has
always been the brains of the twins, but I always saw her as the lady
who could throw down with the best of them if it came down to it.
I worked on this piece off and on for the last few weeks. It's a
pretty detailed and involved kind of piece for me so I wanted to make
sure I got it right. Hell, cleaning up the inks took about a day
and a half. XD I went with a softer shading style for most
of this so I could throw as much dirt, blood and grime on her as I
wanted to. The tattered cape and dress were as much fun as the
messy hair, and just as much of a pain to color but it all paid off in
the end methinks.
A special shout-out to Cathy here. The title was her idea.
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