Shattered Glass
Galaxy Prima


pic happened because I wanted to draw Prima with an eyepatch, taking
advantage of the right hand side damage that Shattered Glass Optimus
Prime has.
I drew her as a Galaxy Force/Cybertron rendition not only cuz of love
for that universe but because I remember seeing a TFW2005 Radicons
thread where someone had made an awesome SG custom of that toy.
At least I think it was a Shattered Glass custom...? It
might have been Nemesis Prime and I'm remembering wrong. This is
why you need to subscribe to threads, kids. XD
ANYWAYS it would be really cool if Hasbro would repaint that Siege mold
as a Shattered Glass Galaxy Convoy. ORRRRRRRRRRRRR dust off the
original mold. Juuuuuuuust saaaaaayiiiiiiiin'...
To go from toy nerd to art nerd, if you compare the pencil and ink
stages to the final pic you'll see that I un-pinched Prima's waist here
as I could hear my friend Katie yelling in my ear. The women I
draw are still unrealistically hourglass-shaped, but I'm trying to make
a conscious effort.
(...sometimes ^_^;)
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