

There's a movement happening. And you didn't even know about it.
I did this piece as support for naming the repaint of the
Transformers Reveal the Shield Optimus Prime "Scourge" instead of
"Nemesis Prime." Those of you who were around during the early
2000's and fans of RID will appreciate this. <3
I've always been bored with the name "Nemesis Prime" and was happy to
jump on the bandwagon. I've drawn a few "evil" Primas in the
past, but never really liked the idea of drawing a straight redeco just
for the sake of being evil. In my mind, and evil persona needs
their own look and RID Scourge was the epitome of that. He wasn't
just a "mirror image" or "evil clone" Optimus Prime, he was his own
character and I wanted this piece to reflect that. So I drew
mainly from the RID Scourge design with some callouts to the inevitable
toy we're trying to get named. The biggest thing I took from the
new toy was the sword. That thing just looks so cool. XD
Shout-out to DrArkeville of the TFW2005 Boards for the awesome toy digibash she's holding in the pic ^_^
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