Samantha Byrne


brother hooked my broke-ass up with a copy of Gears of War 3 and I'm
pretty much addicted to it. And what Silas gets hooked on, Silas
draws fanart.
Sam is my gal in multiplayer so she was first up when I started
doodling. This started as a sketch, but it started to turn out
pretty okay so I fleshed it out into a full piece. Halfway
through the pencils, as you can see, I decided that the pose was kinda
boring so I threw in a Torque Bow to make it not-so-boring. You
can also see how I started with just loosely blocking in the armor
details and where I finalized all the panel lines down the road.
And speaking of details... NEVER AGAIN, COG ARMOR. Or at the very
least, not for a while. Inking wasn't so bad, but coloring just
the bow and the chestplate took about two hours. I fudged a lot
of the lines because I liked the blue glowy thingies and wanted more of
them...and because Silas's dumb ass couldn't figure out how to
make it work otherwise. XD
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