

(or Makoto for you purist nerds) is the bestest and I'll dropkick
anyone who says different. XD
I've been wanting to draw Jupiter again for a while and started
doodling this at work in between calls. The sketch turned out to
be pretty tight so I decided to finish it up. Drawing Sailor
Moon-y eyes effectively still escapes me so I went with more of an
eyelash-heavy style. It worked out okay since I was going for a
The pose was one of those happy accident situation. You can kind
of see in the pencils that I was trying to figure out what to do with
her arms and liked it when I raised them up past her shoulders.
Then I realized it looked a lot like her transformation pose so I
just locked it down. After inking this I realized Lita's left
hand was a bit too small to pull off the foreshortening effect so I
cheated and blew the hand up a little in Photoshop. ^_^;
I kept the coloring simple to pull of some dynamic lighting and showoff
the lineart. The hair and the eyes are the only parts I went a
little crazy on. :3
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