Road Caesar


"Thicc! Thicc!! Thicctory!!!"
I haven't settled on a name yet. I've been throwing around "Rhoda Caesar"?
Anyways, because of Haslab Victory Saber about to ship and the new Deathsaurus
now funded I've obviously been watching a lot of Victory. Road
Caesar is also my favorite combiner and the Brainmasters are some of
the first Japanese toys I tried to track down.
A lot of you have been asking me to draw a combiner lady for quite some
time and I knew Road Caesar was one of the first I wanted to tackle.
I know the toy gets picked on a lot due to the big ass legs but
that's one of my favorite traits. My love of drawing wide hips
and thighs is well-documented so I saw this as an excuse to go nuts!
I know I should have made her hair a darker color to balance the whole
thing out, and in my defense I toyed with some other color choices.
But I'm still hung up with Lena from Eighty-Six soooooOOOOOO...
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