

Comics reported the final covers to the Justice League reboot...
and Wonder Woman has no pants! Obviously, I'm very happy about
this and knew I needed to draw some art to celebrate. :3
Originally this was just going to be a quick little piece but it soon
spiraled into a pretty complicated affair (originally I thought this
piece would take about an hour start-to-finish. It ended up
spanning about three). The pose started out simple enough, but
then I started going crazy with the lasso and wrapped it around pretty
much anything and everything. Because of this, I inked the lasso
first with a slightly thicker line than usual so it'd be a little
easier to tell it apart from the rest of the lineart. I actually
forgot to scan the pencils in before I inked the lasso so you can see
what I'm talking about.
As for the costume itself, I'm not a big fan of the gold being removed
from her color scheme and even decided at one point to recolor a bulk
of the silver armor... but in the end I decided to leave it be.
It's kind of grown on me so I don't think it's horrible anymore,
but I'm still partial to the primary color look she used to rock.
The colors were tough due to all of the lines and armor segments on her
new outfit. I fudged a lot of the details since I had a hard time
figuring out what was going on in the official art. That or I was
just being lazy, take your pick. XD
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