Optimus Prima


won't even lie, I'm looking forward to the new Rescue
Bots Optimus Primal
toy more than I really should. XD
I've been meaning to draw a new take on Prima for a while now (since I
haven't really drawn her in a looooooong time) and Prima with claw toes
and a dinosaur head mounted on her arm seemed as fun as fun was gonna
get. :3
Translating the toy's chunky sculpt was a lot of fun to draw, but a
pain to color. That's why I went with a simpler coloring
style than I usually would with Transformers ladies, but I think it
works well here. I don't watch Rescue Bots (though that might
change now) so I don't know if the show's Optimus Primal breathes fire
but I thought it looked cool. So there. :D
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