Snow Queen


shot at drawing Elsa, this time in a much simpler cel-shaded style.
My past attempts were okay, but I'm still not good at the
fancy digital effects. This one turned out good, not great.
Since I wasn't doing any fancy patterns or textures I wanted to corset
to stand out a bit so I doodled these weird snowflake patterns on it.
I made it two-toned in the colors but not too much of a
contrast so she wouldn't look like a weird Spider-man thing.
I really dig Marshmallow so I thought two of the big guy
would be neat to fill in the negative space. I drew this piece in
two stages, Elsa and the seat of the throne on one page and the
Marshmallows and the back of the throne on another. In retrospect
I should've drawn and colored the throne as a seperate layer so it
could be a little transparent to push the ice look. Oh well, next
time I guess. XD
Like with an Elsa
pic before I
had some issues with the pose so I lit up the Katie
signal and she shot me back a bunch of badass throne poses. :D
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