Turns Five


really can't believe I've been drawing my girly-girl take on Optimus
Prime for five years now. :O
She's just a fan character, but Prima's always been my go-to gal when I
want to draw something or want to test some new technique. As
complicated as her outfit is, she's still a ton of fun to draw and I
could almost doodle her in my sleep. Because this is a pretty
important anniversary, I wanted to knock this out of the park.
I'm not doing anything really new here, but it all had to be
extremely good.
Usually when I draw a medium shot I use a regular notebook-sized board,
but here I drew Prima on an 11"x17" sheet of bristol so I could focus
on little details and so the inked lines would be really thin. I
wanted to make the colors extra shiny so I had Carly wield her Energy
Axe so I could play with some edge lighting.
In the end, this piece turned out just the way I wanted it to: Bold,
Glossy and Hot. ^_^

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