Luke Skywalker


new Star Wars trailer comes out and of course all I wanna draw is toys.
And old toys at that. If you know what I'm referencing off
the bat here you bought waaaAAAYYY too many action figures in the 90's.
And you're AWESOME. :D
Power of the Force 2 holds a special place in my hearts, especially the
early stupid sculpts. With his blank stare and weightlifter
cleavage Luke was the obvious first choice to draw. I've been
meaning to draw this for a while but the new Episode VII trailer kicked
it up to the top of my to-do list. I made sure to give him a long
lightsaber (.00 card, son! XD) and his "Grappling-Hook Blaster."
When I was inking this I saw that the blaster was kind of bent.
I was about fix it but remembered that the stupid toy was always
bent so I just inked it as-is. :3
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