with all the voices
of the mountain


Little Mermaid is my favorite Disney movie, but my heart belongs to
Pocahontas. <3
I've been wanting to draw Pocahontas for a little bit and an epic
Disney World vacation sealed the deal. It's been a few years
since I've drawn her and at least twice that long since I've done a
bull color piece, so this went through a few changes before I was
completely happy with it. I've included my first draft in the
pencils image. My initial try was okay and I worked with it as
much as I could, but it just didn't seem right. The pose wasn't
fluid enough for me and her anatomy was off in a lot of places. I
decided to put it aside and sleep on it, hopefully it would look better
in the morning, but it literally kept me awake. So I got out of
bed, tore up the sketch and started from scratch. I don't usually
draw so late at night but I think I should start making a habit of it
because what you see is pretty much what I doodled out when pencil hit
Because I wanted to keep the colors simple, inking wasn't very
complicated. I used a Sharpie to ink her hair so the colored
lines would pop out a bit more. Where my first idea was kinda
complicated, this final piece ended up being elegantly simple.
Once I hit my stride on this piece it was a lot of fun. And
an excuse to listen to the soundtrack over and over while working on
it. It might sound goofy, but Colors of the Wind is a perfect
song to accompany a Photoshop project. ^_~
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