

I was working on Morrigan here I told a friend of mine that this was my
first time drawing her.
"Seriously? I find that hard to believe."
"I know, right?!"
Morrigan's very...interesting to draw. It was weird, no matter
how big I drew her boobs they didn't look right. So I kept
erasing and redrawing them bigger and bigger, almost subconciously.
Almost... XD
I wanted a seductive pic soaked in innuendo, but when I was looking at
reference art I saw that almost all of those bases were covered and
then some. So I decided to go for a more silly tone, which suits
the character just fine. ^_~
The colors turned out really well, which is saying a lot for me and my
phobia of darker color schemes. I was lucky here since Morrigan
has a fair share of bright pinks and purples to mix things up. :3
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