

pretty much illustrates what is going on in my stupid head lately.
I've been toying around with the idea of Kaori wearing some sort of
Transformers outfit and last night I started on this pic. Because
Kaori's a blond I made sure the Optimus Prime bits were as different
from Prima's as I could get them. I wanted this to look ilke an
80's anime so I inked this on paper instead of digitally so it would
look a bit messy and messy is what I got since I'm still out of
practice when it comes to digital inks (a lot of cleanup was a thing
after I scanned it :O). Some of the lines are still a bit
bolder than I wanted, but I guess it works with the flat cel-shading.
Miyazono Prime here has its fair share of problems but I like it, so
much that I decided that this would be my Kaori pic for the landing
page. :3
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