98th Student Council


really needed to post this piece before it drove me mad.
Y'know that piece you stick with mainly because you're just
trying to get the damn thing to work? Yeah, this is one of
those. XD
drew Medaka before
and she turned out pretty good, but I kept dwelling on the mistakes.
Even more than I usually do. This happens every
time I draw Anime shit. I think it's because the style is so
specific I just see it as plain weird when I try to do anything with
it. So I tried my hand at some Medaka Box fan art (including
the actual Suggestion Box) and I'm happier with this one. I
spent almost twice as long with this art compared to what I usually
spend on a piece like this. Most of that time was tweaking
stuff like her hair and her face. Again, I'm still trying to
find that happy medium between Anime art and my crap.
Mistakes and missteps aside I really like how this came out.
I did better on the cut of Medaka's uniform and the skirt
turned out really nice. The pose was what I set out to do
from the get-go except for her left arm. I originally was
going to have her pointing at the viewer but that harkened back to my
last piece too much so I decided to open up her fan. This
also brought up the chance to show off the armbands on that arm so that
worked out well. ^_^
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