Ms. Marvelous


piece was done in response to a lot of comments I was getting,
criticizing me for drawing women "too beefy." Honestly, I'm
surprised that I don't get as much criticism to the contrary. :/
Anyways, I decided Ms. Marvel should be the one featured in my
response. I like my women strong, and I think my art reflects
that. I don't draw beanpoles. I draw a fair share of meat
on the bones along with the hips and busts. I don't do "damsels
in distress." I prefer the damsels that CAUSE distress. If
you like the former, my art probably isn't for you. But luckily
there are tons of Anime and Anime-wannabee artists out there to choose
This piece is dated (showing that I'm not really good at coloring black
areas) but I still really like the pose and hip/leg structure that came
out. The image was supposed to be strong with a little whip of
venom and I think it still works. ^_^
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