Mai and Kaori
Hit the Parks


My two favorite anime characters at Disney because HI HAVE WE MET?  XD

After watching Your Lie in April three times I re-watched Gunparade March like three times and obviously a crossover piece was in order.  I started sketching this out while watching (more watching than drawing) and it took me a while to come up with poses that I liked so I actually paused the anime and put something else that wouldn't distract me from sketching.  XDDD

The pencils were on a started letter-sized board since that's all I have handy right now so the inks were tough (no surprise there).  I bounced back and forth between having this as a flat cel-shaded piece and having more blends since I couldn't decide which would make the characters pop more.  Obviously in the end I went with the latter.  :D

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