

that weird hipster nerd whose favorite Gainax Anime is one you've
probably never heard of. XD
Mahoromatic is just awesome. If you haven't seen it, do yourself
a favor and check it out. A few months ago if found out that
Gainax had put out one more two-part special and I found myself
watching the entire series all over again. And once something
like that happens fan art can't be too far behind.
I went with Mahoro's combat outfit instead of her maid uniform because
I thought a more comic-y pic would ease me into drawing her since Anime
art style really isn't my strong suit. ^_^;
This piece encompassed all sorts of wackiness to get the damn thing
finished. If you check out the pencil stage it's all kind of
messy. When I was plotting the art out I did a rough sketch on a
piece of copier paper. After I nailed down the layout I tried
drawing this up on a piece of bristol but couldn't get it right.
Sadly the rough doodle I did on a piece of throwaway paper was a
helluvalot better than the for realsies attempts. :O :O :O
I drew right over the ballpoint pen thumbnail with my pencils which
made the inks even messier. On the inks stage image, you'll see
the pre-cleanup inks on the left. Because of the crap paper and
the ballpoint pen this was murder to fine tune. I know I could've
used a lightbox or tracing paper to ink this piece but I've never felt
my inks look near as good as when I work directly on the pencils.
Weird, I know. ^_^;
In the end I think the effort was worth it. The piece has some
problems, namely with the partially bland background. Anime stuff
always looks weird in my style but I think I did okay here, especially
with working her bangs in since I don't draw that kind of hairstyle
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