Be Chicken
Fight The Hate

try not to get all political and I usually keep my soapbox in check as
best I can, but sometimes I just gotta say something. When I
I try to give you guys something nice to look at while I get all
preachy. ^_~
Heterosexuality is my chosen lifestyle, and if swinging the other way
makes you happy you'll hear no argument from me. As long as
love each other I don't believe that anyone has the right to say that
you're wrong, moral or otherwise.
I put this piece together as a fundraiser for GLAAD.
I wrestled over what kind of
piece to draw and a chat with my friend Mary about this brought me to
this simple idea. I tried as best I could to make this look
affectionate as opposed to sexy (which is pretty tough for me,
admittedly). I also kept the colors a lot more simple than
to give the overall art a very clean motif.
If you're interested in purchasing a copy, whether it's a print or a
high-res digital file, shoot me an email for details. All of
profits will go to GLAAD. ^_^
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