Link Girl Collaboration


This is my half of a HORRIBLY late trade. All my fault, of course. XD
Back in March of '08 (God, it's been THAT long...) I started a trade
with an artist on Deviantart. She was going to ink and color one
of my sketches and I one of hers. You can check out her DA page
Here and her half of the trade Here.
In my defense, me being the art technophobe that I am held me back
here. I don't digitally ink so figuring out how to do the lineart
here was tricky for me. In the end I changed the pencils to
non-photo blue in Photoshop and printed out a paper copy to ink.
I started on this a while back but then got lazy as I often do.
Which I guess is a good thing in this case. I dug up the
inks I had started a while back and wasn't happy with them, like at
ALL. So I started anew and this is what I came up with. ^_^
This was interesting for me, it's been a long time since I've inked
and/or colored someone else's art. Here it was pretty cool.
The artist's style is way different than my own, and following
those pencils was pretty neat. And I'd be lying if I said I
didn't pick up a trick or two while I was working on this. :3
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