Now That I Have Your Attention...


a history behind this piece. After I started taking commissions
on Deviantart, I started getting a lot of requests for things I don't
usually draw. I know it's important for an artist to escape from
their comfort zone every once in a while, but a lot of the things I was
being asked to draw utterly baffled me. I'm known for drawing
extremely curvy and busty women and I was getting asked to draw a bunch
of dudes. One person asked me to draw Dr. Who, and another asked
me to draw (and I quote) "a big, muscle-bound, hairy lumberjack."
Now I don't mind drawing guys, it's just that I'm not very good at it
and you don't see much male art in my gallery because of that. So
I drew this to literally get people's attention.
Because I was focusing on the torso (I actually don't think I've done
much art where I've cropped a figure like this), I decided to really
accentuate the curves, hips and breasts from what I would normally
draw. Even the expression from her lips was important since I
usually rely on the eyes to make that happen. While I probably
overdid it, I think the piece still really works even looking back at
it now.
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