breath of
someone asleep"


wanted to draw Kaori sleeping in the music room again since I was never
really happy with my first attempt at it, so I did. :D
I was pretty happy with the sketch and didn't really think it was too
plain but suddenly had the urge to draw her with Bulbasaur again.
Instead of coming up with a new idea I doodled Bulbasaur on
Kaori's lap to see what it would look like and it ended up being super
cute. :3
This piece looks simple but looks can be deceiving. There were
some foreshortening issues with her legs but I think they turned out
okay. Her skirt and sweater vest turned out really nice too.
I went more than a little overboard with her hair and the
wrinkles on her sleeves but whatever. The inks, as usual, scared
me so I procrastinated by working on the background first, which I drew
almost completely freehand so it wouldn't look as static as my
backgrounds usually do.
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