

you're seeing that right. I did the same damn piece all over
again. After finishing up Sailor Medaka
the first time around I
liked it but thought something was off. And then I realized
she's mocking Sailor Moon's pose but her body is FACING THE WRONG DAMN
Serious, Silas. What the hell, man?
Oh well. At least you know I'm not tracing shit. XD
I know it's not THAT big of a deal but it really, really bugged me
after I finally realized what I did. At first I thought about
flipping and swapping things out in Photoshop but it quicklly dawned on
me that doing so would take just as long as drawing the whole damn
thing over again. So I just drew the whole damn thing over
Which is cool because Sailor Medaka is hella fun to draw anyways.
This also gave me a chance to fix other issues I had with the
last piece, like the pleats in her skirt and her shoulders.
are still elements of the last piece I like more, but all-in-all I
think this one works a lot better. And not just because of
pose fuckup. ^_^
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