(Updated 2016.09.21)

Macross Delta is mean and pulled a Sailor Moon where the bad guys are
just as pretty as the idol group. :OOO
Especially Keith. He's pretty much a mirror image dude Elsa
his home planet is Norway in winter I MEAN C'MON OKAY I'M SOLD.
I'm not great at drawing guys but Keith's sketch turned out rather nice
after only one false start. I did the sketch on paper and
haven't bought a new set of Sharpies so I inked him digitally and I
kinda wish I had waited. The inks turned out okay but with
messiness of the sketch I think some pen-and-paper inks would have
serviced this pic a lot better.
*** *** *** Update *** *** ***
I promised myself that I would try new inks once I finally got off my
butt and bought new Sharpies in an attempt to make this better and I
finally did, with mixed results. I'm sure I was over-thinking
this while trying another pass at it, maybe it's just that I don't draw
guys much. I dunno. It's better and worse at the same time?
Oh well. XDDD
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