fate has begun to change"

one started simply enough. I wanted to draw Kaori without her
jacket since, I dunno, I'm not good at drawing the full uniform?
I think it's all the grey that trips me up. ^_^;
Anyhoo, the figure art was fun but uneventful (except for the
stickers. Thank God I had already drawn her full violin case
before where I could just steal from myself. Those stickers
have been a pain to draw again XD). When I got to
background I stumped myself. The pic on the left is the one I
first, just some simple colors to show off the Kaori art. I
it but thought it could be a bit more, so I drew in a background for
her. In the process I changed the lighting on Kaori a bit and
almost ended up being a completely different piece. I really
liked both but couldn't decide which one to go with. I bugged
buddy Josh to look at both to help me decide and he was like "why don't
you just post both?"
Yeah, Silas. Why don't you just post both? :O
You'll notice that the Kaori on the right is a much higher resolution
than I usually post here. I dunno why but I thought it held
pretty well even zoomed-in close to the resolution I usually draw with.
I guess I know what I'm doing sometimes. Go figure.
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