Sheets Dance,
to the Rhythm of the Wind"

watched this scene like ten times for art research.
it. ^_^;
I wanted to draw an homage to this scene near the end of Your lie in
April but I couldn't decide which pose and angle I liked better so I
drawed both. :3 I ended up tackling these in almost
completely different ways. The full-body pic on the left came
first and was a digital doodle because I wanted to draw Kaori in her
PJs and her bear slippers. I think it was halfway through the
inks I thought a better idea would have been to go in closer to Kaori
at a lower angle. At first I didn't start a new sketch
because I
was so far into working on the full body art and didn't wanna trash it
because it was turning out well on it's own so I committed myself to
both. :O
Because it was a closer angle I started the pic on the right on paper
and inked it traditionally as opposed to digitally like the first
piece. When it came to the colors I decided that less was
after flats on the full-body pic. I almost talked myself into
just keeping it flatted until I decided shading would help, but VERY
sparingly (which is something I almost never think my art looks good
in). The second pic has a lot more shading but I made sure it
to complement the inks and not to push it too far, though the contrasts
are a lot harder than the first piece.
I think both pics turned out well and I'm pretty happy with how they
both turned out. I'm glad I decided to do both versions of
idea because I think they look neat next to each other, which is why I
made one entry for two different pieces of art. :D
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