you stole
my leggings?!"


If you've seen Your Lie in April this should make sense.
If you haven't, enjoy a pissed-off blond wielding a melodica and a
recorder. :D
I wanted this to look as far away from anime as I could muster so I
tried to skew this towards 90's comic books and I thought a good
starting point would be that speeding-towards-the-camera-splash-page
pose. XD
I really wanted to draw this dress and it was a lot of fun but coloring
it was tricky, probably a lot trickier than it should of been because
I'm dumb. I'm pretty sure I know how they took care of the
transparent pink skirt in the anime but I'm not near that good with my
color selection so I had to muddle my way through different layer
transparencies until I came up with something I liked. :O
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