

a quick Kaori doodle I started last night to help blow off some steam.
Since I liked the sketch so much I threw on some quick inks with
a Sharpie so I wouldn't be tempted to do really precise inks.
It's really rough but it still keeps most of what I liked about
the pencils (I did the inks so fast I didn't worry about capturing the
sketch stage XD). I haven't really done real pen-and-paper
inks for quite some time and this ended up being a dry run for another
Kaori and Kousei pic I'm working on that I want to traditionally ink.
I usually do some digital cleanup on the inks after I scan them in for
coloring but I didn't here. I think the messy quality adds to the
flavor here. I made sure the colors were simple, I shaded it with
a brush instead of blocking it in to match the fast-and-loose inks as
best I could. I wanted to make sure the coloring was as no-frills
as I could get since the lines are the star of this one. ^_^
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