"Almost Ready."


a bunch of Kaori art this month I wanted to draw her concert gown
again. I had this idea since I didn't want to draw her just
standing there, that and I like her pink shoes. :3
Like the pic of her before I had trouble deciding what to do for the
negative space so I decided to just draw a background so I wouldn't
have to worry about what color to put behind her (DUH). XD
If you go through the different stages of this piece it went
through quite a few changes, namely Kaori's dress At first I drew
a slit in her dress since I wasn't sure how to draw the skirt
dropping in this pose, but later I tried my hand at drawing it without
the slit and it turned out okay I think. :O
All-in-all I'm pretty happy with how this came out. It more or
less ended up being what I had in my head, which is a pretty rare thing
for me. ^_^;
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