Movie Juri Kitty


Gather 'round children, this one has a bit of a story behind it.
I'm actually listed in the special features of the US DVD release of
the Utena movie. Way back when during the hype for the DVD
Central Park Media took fan art submissions with some lucky artists to
be showcased on the disc. While my art wasn't chosen they were
kind enough to list everyone who submitted art on said DVD. Fast
forward to now when I was talking Utena with my buddy Abe and it jogged
my memory. Abe asked to see my fan art submission but it was
waaayyyy before I was drawing digitally so I had sent my the original
piece and never scanned it. I don't remember the specifics of the
pic but it was an anthro Juri as I was drawing a lot of furry art at
that time.
Abe sweet-talked me into drawing something similar again and here we are. ^_^
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