

Go easy on me, okay? This is my first time drawing her. ^_^;
I got back from an Orlando vacation the other day and (surprise
surprise) felt like drawing some Disney fan art. An Ariel piece
is in the works, but the idea of drawing Jasmine popped into my head
yesterday while watching Aladdin.
I think Jasmine's one of those characters that are deceivingly
simple-looking. Even though I was tweaking her towards my own
style, it took a lot of tries and re-tries to get her to look like
Jasmine. Her parachute/Hammer pangs (sorry, I don't know the
correct term for them) and her hairstyle were the biggest culprits.
In the finished piece, they still aren't perfect but I'm happy
with them. I think I finally got content with her legs when I
poofed out her pants even more. With all of this, do you know
what the hardest part of drawing Jasmine is? Trying to do so WITHOUT getting "A Whole New World" stuck in your head.
Something I failed miserably at. XD
The proportions and curves I draw are pretty extreme compared to her
animated standards, but I decided to tone down her bust measurements a
little from my usual fare. I wanted a sultry figure here, but
found out that it would be too easy to make her look slutty with the
way her outfit is cut. Looking back I probably could have done
with even less cleavage in the pic. It's something I'll try to
remember the next time I draw Jasmine.
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