

Fair 2011 kicked off this weekend and Hasbro was there in full force
debuting a truckload of toys from Transformers: Dark of the Moon.
A big surprise was Leader Class Ironhide. For those of you
who don't know, that means a BIG ASS IRONHIDE TOY. <3
Ironhide is hands-down my favorite movie Transformer, so seeing this
news amused me to no end. So of course, I wanted to draw
something. I decided to give my "IronHeidi" design another go
since I haven't drawn her in quite some time, and even then I've only
put her to paper like twice. The idea of coloring black areas
scared me as usual but the combination of creative and fanboy
adrenaline overwhelmed that fear.
When penciling I based the robot bits mostly off of the ROTF "Robot
Replicas" Ironhide figure, which is awesome because it's small enough
so I can fiddle with it while sketching. The face actually gave
me the most trouble here since I added the scar down her left face
leaving it a little asymmetrical. I tried to leave the pencils as
clean as I could since there are a lot of bits to keep track of and I
didn't want the inking and cleanup process to be any harder than it
needed to be.
For the colors, I stuck more to screen caps of the movie thought I took
some obvious liberties to better suit my more simplistic style.
The black lacquer look came out a lot better than I thought it
would, so I guess I'm coming out of my "black" phobia when it comes to
coloring. I need to figure out better ways to make the lines
stand out more when coloring said black areas, but I'm getting better
at it methinks. ^_^;
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