Mrs. Incredible


Incredibles is my favorite Pixar movie, for srs. I've been
wanting to draw Helen Parr for a while now, but never really got
motivated to actually START a piece (which happens a lot to me
XD). While doing some website stuff this past weekend I
popped in the movie as background noise and ended up watching it
through twice. So I sketched this out afterwards. XD
I love drawing superheroes, especially flexible ones, because I can
usually draw them in almost any crazy-ass pose and get away with it.
Wrapping up the cannon fodder henchmen here was fun to draw, even
if it was sort of a pain when coloring. I changed her hairstyle a
because I thought it would look better with the pose and angle here,
and I'm pretty pumped with how the shading on her outfit turned out.
And I'm really surprised that I got her face the way I wanted without
erasing much. That's gotta be some sort of a record for me.
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